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Mysterious space sounds picked up in EERIE recording by remote Antarctic base SCIENTISTS working at a remote research station in Antarctica have recorded “eerie” sounds from space when trying to pick up lightning activity signals. By Oli Smith PUBLISHED: 10:46, Sun, Dec 30, 2018 | UPDATED: 12:07, Sun, Dec 30, 2018 These storms, produced by the Sun, take place when electrons enter the Earth’s magnetic field and generate so-called “chorus emissions”. The Earth's magnetosphere is the region of space surrounding the planet. Nigel Meredith, who has been at the remote base for nearly four years, said: “Our planet produces a wonderful variety of radio emissions. "As we know, we can't hear things in space. Since sound waves are vibrations, typically of air molecules. "But the emissions we're talking about are mainly electromagnetic waves and they cannot be heard directly." Researchers converted the recordings of the emissions into audio files that could be heard by humans. One of the tasks of the station is to examine Antarctica's space weather to forecast major weather events that can disrupt satellites and even tae out entire power grids. The specialists carry out this task by placing low frequency radio receivers that detect the electromagnetic waves. The mysterious space sounds were picked up by an antenna which lies beneath the Earth's geomagnetic field lines. The scientific research team at the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) recorded their bizarre sound signals during an attempt to detect signals from lightning activity and space storms. Scientists at the Halley Research Station have sought to explain the mysterious sounds as geomagnetic storms.